NLP+MSP Practitioner to Professional Program 2021
Changing the patterns of language while reprogramming the mind, brings about profound changes in behaviour and how you communicate with yourself. In combination with Mental Space Psychology, it brings out the conversation in a way that resonates with people and derives powerful breakthroughs in your personal and professional life.
As an NLPer, flexibility is always celebrated. Shifts within and outside, new priorities, new ways of doing are what we excitedly welcome. Some of them to cope, some because something unexpected emerged, some to make sense of what is happening with us and those around us.
The Lightweaver NLP+MSP Practitoner to Professional program reaches you on the level you’re at, either to learn the workings of your inner self or to gain the expertise in bringing about change in others.
To help You to be Future Ready for Post-Pandemic World.
This special program also earns you NLP Master Practitioner, NLP-based Trainer, MSP-based Trainer & Coach certifications PLUS resources to set up or improve your business.
Please NOTE: This page is being updated with reports and videos from the 2020 Program. Check back in a couple of weeks.
LIGHTWEAVER NLP+MSP PRACTITIONER TO PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM is a SIX-MONTH comprehensive special NLP program designed to hand-hold you through an in-depth understanding and expertise of NLP and make you FUTURE READY for the Post-Pandemic World. With most of the programs conducted online with an in-person Winter Retreat component, you will receive all that you need every step of the way.
Create a complete Single-stop Ecosystem to help you forge ahead in your profession
Help you Forecast and Plan your services for Future Needs before anyone can think of it.
Provide you with Community Support and Mentorship as you set up your NLP-based business
Candidates with NLP Practitioner certification, can enroll for the NLP+MSP Practitioner to Professional Program 2021 .
Lightweavers with NLP Diploma can also enroll in this course and upgrade to NLP Practitioner during Winter Retreat.
Non-Lightweavers have to complete NLP Practitioner prior to joining the Program.
If you are interested in learning NLP from its foundations, please visit this page for my NLP+MSP Evolve Diploma Program.
Compulsory Online Work
Level 2
NLP Master
Train the Trainer
Train the Trainer
NLP-based Business
Resource Linkages
NLP Master Practitioner
Starts on Aug 15, 2021
NLP- based Business Resource Linkages
Starts on Nov 15, 2021
NLP-based Train the Trainer
Starts on Oct 14, 2021
MSP Practitioner
MSP-based Train the Trainer
NLP Practitioner
Starts during Winter Retreat
The Lightweavers NLP+MSP Program 2020 is a versatile, flexible and tailored program where you work individually and with a team to bring together learning and transformation. Based on the takeaways, below are the outcomes you can map for yourself
OPTION 1: If your outcome is to be an NLP-based Coach or apply NLP in your existing fields:
- For Lightweavers:
- Complete your NLP Practitioner with 3-day in-person training in Dec/Jan 2021
- Parallelly work on your NLP Master Practitioner (Total: 80 hours, with 36 hours online, 4-day in-person retreat in Dec/Jan 2021, and a Master Practitioner Project)
- For Non-lightweavers with an existing NLP Practitioner certificate, you can proceed directly to the NLP Master Practitioner program.
OPTION 2: If your outcome is to be an NLP-based COACH and TRAINER (in any field- Skills, Behavioural Change, Storytelling, Profession which has group work)
- Take the above courses.
- Add: NLP-based Train the Trainer Program (Total 40 hours, with 12-hour online, Two Training Projects, 2-day in-person retreat)
- Optional: If you have studied with Lucas Derks and/or Jacqueline Heemskerk, undertake your MSP-based Train the Trainer Program (Total 20 hours, with 9 hours online, 1 day in-person retreat)
OPTION 3: If your outcome is to become an NLP- based BUSINESSPERSON
- Pursue NLP Practitioner + NLP Master Practitioner
- If you want to be a Coach and Trainer, undertake Train-the Trainer Program/s
- Business Resources Linkages is offered as part of the full package (Video Interviews with Experts/ Discussions/ Community Support)
OPTION 4: If your outcome is to gain knowledge and coaching skills in Mental Space Psychology
- Mental Space Psychology Practitioner Program (Total 60 hours, 40 hours online, 2-day in-person retreat, One MSP Project). This is a standalone program. (Once 5 participants register, the dates will be announced)
The LIGHTWEAVER NLP+MSP PRACTITIONER TO PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM 2021 will end in an in-person Winter Retreat to get deeper into learning the practice and its application. It will be tentatively held in Dec or January 2021. The retreat site will be Auroville. All in-person programs will run collectively over a 10 day period.
The ‘LIGHTWEAVER NLP+MSP PRACTITIONER TO PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM 2021’ is one of India’s top certifications offered to students who wish to craft careers in NLP coaching and training with a Systemic lens. Costs include all of the learning, material and knowledge that will be shared by working in tandem Dr Bhavana of The Lightweaver House of NLP.
Please note:
- Payment process: 25% advance paid before July 31. The remainder can be paid in 2-3 part installment plans (conveyed at the start) and complete full payment before Dec 1st, 2021.
- You can opt for individual courses like NLP Master Practitioner or MSP Practitioner.
- Registrations close on Aug 8, 2021
- The P2P begins on Aug 15, 2021
You can set up a call to discuss
this program
If we have already spoken and you’ve made your decision
Bank Details
Name of the Account Holder: Bhavana Nissima
Account Number: 50100005717480
Bank Name: HDFC, Habsiguda Branch, Hyderabad
IFSC Code: HDFC0003796
Google Pay: 8754507365
The ‘Practitioner to Professional’ program is an in-depth study of language and programming patterns with hands-on theory and practical training imparted to students every step of the way. It is a deep unraveling of the process, an understanding of what goes into it, practical feasibility of applying it across different areas of work, and partnering with other learners and trainer. It will also include the entire process of setting up a business for yourself based on NLP, including certification, skills training, understanding business nuances, guidance on driving work and building a personal brand.
What is an exceptional takeaway is also the ability of this program to pay for itself. As you learn with Bhavana, you apply the learnings to scale up your services, work across industries and apply them practically while earning in the process.
LIGHTWEAVER NLP+MSP PRACTITIONER TO PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM Program envisions to take you from being just practitioners to business professional with a full setup in just 6 months.
If this interests you, please email me at [email protected]
This program begins on Aug 15,2021 and will last till Mid-Feb 2022