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Book COACHING Sessions

I offer, for a limited few, systemic coaching support along with mental spatial processes. Some of the key founding principles are to understand an issue systemically, notice and hold what is experienced with its paradoxes and complexities, and learn to learn.

In other words, to help you expand how you see an issue, hold loose your habitual patterns, uncover underlying beliefs and narratives, even as you mull through the entanglements of the world you live in.

I use neurolinguistic tools along with spatial therapeutics in my coaching practices. I also heavily borrow from Buddhist psychology like DBT and mindfulness practices.

The Lightweaver Way

My approach to coaching and training is systemic and decolonizing. I recognise the colonial forms of behaviour management and behaviour modification to protect status quo of sociocultural relations. I recognise how it has been used to suppress unsuitable expressions and the many histories that make for a poor self-image.

The Lightweaver coaching and training approach is founded on four principles:

  1. Acceptance and Discrimination: We are anchored in the Reinhold Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer:

                         God Grant me the serenity

                         to accept things that I cannot change;

                          courage to change the things I can;

                          and wisdom to know the difference.

           2. Suffering is transcontextual: Many contexts, current and historical, make for this moment’s suffering. There are influences of history, culture, family, economics and more. There are relationship struggles with other beings. That what is experienced is not confined to an individual but to the woven relationships within which they exist.

          3. Emergence not Procedures: The agony of the moment is anchored on many pegs and swirls with known and unknown factors. Effort is to tend to issues personally and systemically – sleep, rest, gut, nervous system, memories, body, relationships and support an organic emergence of a way out/over.

            4. Learning to learn as a regenerative personal practice: A key aspect of the coaching/training process is to notice how we attend, interpret and categorise worlds. And the nudge is to become loose and flexible and intake diverse patterns. Make perception wide and soft. Learning is a consequence of broadening inner horizons.


I prefer if you have participated in a few of my group training sessions before the 1:1 support. This will allow us to mutually appreciate each other.

I also prefer folks who have come in through referrals.

Please be ready to commit to at least 3 months of working together and ideally longer for fruitful expansion in thought patterns and habits.

Coaching is not about giving you answers or quick solutions. Rather it is a willingness on your part to uncover what sustains your suffering and be willing to shake loose of the habitual patterns.

There are 3-month packages as well as yearly packages.

Additionally, I sometimes facilitate paid and free group sessions. If you are keen to be on my list, please email: thelightweaver at gmail dot com